Act, 23 February 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tuenty Third day off Februarij Jaj vjc nynty three years



Liberatione George Chrystie by a Committee

The Lords of the2 Comittee of3 privie Councill appoynted anent souldiers and recruitts haveing considered a petitione given in to them be George Chrystie servitor to John Lindsay Litster in the Canongate and his said maister for his interest Compleaning That the said George Chrystie wes upon the sixteenth instant trappanned and pressed as a recruitt and violently Carryed aboord Thomas Weer his ship They hereby ordaine Captain […] Murray Commandant of Collonell Lauders recruits Imediatly upon sight hereof to sett ashoar the petitioner And enter him prisoner within the tolbooth and appoints the magistrats of Edinburgh Bailzies of the Canongate and Keeper of there tolbooth to receave and detain the petitioner therein untill further order That the matter mentioned in the said petitione may be tryed befor the said Comittee and ordaines the Captain Murray to give punctuall obedience hereto as he will be ansuerable at his perrill And ordaines him to Intimat to the officer who seized the petitioner That he attend the Comittee the morrow at ten in the forenoon To be heard in this effair Sic subscribitur Tarbat Cardross Adam Cockburne

Att Edinburgh the Tuenty Third day off Februarij Jaj vjc nynty three years



Liberatione George Chrystie by a Committee

The Lords of the2 Comittee of3 privie Councill appoynted anent souldiers and recruitts haveing considered a petitione given in to them be George Chrystie servitor to John Lindsay Litster in the Canongate and his said maister for his interest Compleaning That the said George Chrystie wes upon the sixteenth instant trappanned and pressed as a recruitt and violently Carryed aboord Thomas Weer his ship They hereby ordaine Captain […] Murray Commandant of Collonell Lauders recruits Imediatly upon sight hereof to sett ashoar the petitioner And enter him prisoner within the tolbooth and appoints the magistrats of Edinburgh Bailzies of the Canongate and Keeper of there tolbooth to receave and detain the petitioner therein untill further order That the matter mentioned in the said petitione may be tryed befor the said Comittee and ordaines the Captain Murray to give punctuall obedience hereto as he will be ansuerable at his perrill And ordaines him to Intimat to the officer who seized the petitioner That he attend the Comittee the morrow at ten in the forenoon To be heard in this effair Sic subscribitur Tarbat Cardross Adam Cockburne

1. PC1/48, 606.

2. Originally ‘there Majesties’, but scored out.

3. The words ‘Comittee of’ have been inserted above the line.

1. PC1/48, 606.

2. Originally ‘there Majesties’, but scored out.

3. The words ‘Comittee of’ have been inserted above the line.