Att Edinburgh the Sixth Day of March Jaj vjc nyntie three years
Letter: royal
Letter from the King anent Seamen
The Subsequent Letter from the Kings Majesty to the Councill being read wes ordered to be recorded And appointed the Clerks of Councill to seek out and produce to the Councill at there meeting the morrow the former orders of Councill Emitted for Levyeing seamen the Last year with the haill procedure of the Comittee appoynted in that effair followes the tenor of the Letter Sic Suprascribitur William Rex
Right trustie and right well beloved Cousignes and Councillours Right trustie and Intirely beloved etc wee greet yow well Whereas our service and the comon safety and wellfare of our Kingdomes doeth requyre that our fleet be provyded Sufficiently with Seamen wee doe assure ourselves of all the assistance from that our ancient Kingdome that they did last year or are now able to affoord us Therefore It is our pleasure And wee doe recomend it to your case to fall upon the most speedie and effectuall means for provydeing what numbers of seamen you are able to Levie in that our Kingdome For whose Encouradgement There are bills ordered for payment of fourty shillings to each seaman that shall be receaved at or befor the Last day of Apryll next At which tyme There shall be Convoyes in the river of Forth to transportt them And they are to have the same pay entertainment and encouradgements from there entry That our English seamen doe receave As also for the further security and Encouradgement of the free trade of that our ancient Kingdome wee have ordered a rule to be made in our admirality of England to be published in the gazetts That no pressmaister shall have power to press or seize any Seamen aboard any ships belonging to Scotland whereby They will be in great safety for the future wee doubt not of your outmost endeavours in this matter which wee consider of Importance to the publict Service And so wee bidd yow heartily farewell Given at our Court at Kensingtoun the tuenty eight day of Februarij Jaj vjc nyntie tuo/three And of our reigne the Fourth year By his majesties Comand sic subscribitur John Dalrymple
1. PC1/48, 622-3.
1. PC1/48, 622-3.