Act, 7 March 1693 (pm), Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Eodem Die Post meridiem



Act John Lochor masson

Anent a petition given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be John Lochar masson Shewing That quher the petitioner in the year Jaj vjc Eightie thrie was ordained and Comand to Repair and build the bridge of Temple be Sir William Niccolsone of that ilk as being a Justice of peace and for his majesties intrest It being at the time2 most ruinous and of no use to the leidges, Be vertue of a whose Commissione and authoritie he did undertake the repairatione of the Samen, So be it that the said Sir John Nicolsone Sic ane order to his payment which he did accept off accordingly And Promised that at the finishing therof the petitioner should have payment off the first and readiest of the publict customes it being in name and behalf of his majestie and now the said Sir William Nicolsone is long agoe dead who was the Imployer of the petitioner and had left in such circumstances that he knew not of whom to have recourse, Bot since it was for the good and inexpresible conveniencie of his majesties leidges and no wayes pertaineing to the said Sir William Nicolsone bot as being Justice of peace for the time And the petitioner being redacted to miserie not by aby bad behavior of his oun but in paying the workmen whom he Imployed to help him which most partly was borrowed by the petitioner to that effect And now these Creditors haveing used legall dilligences for their money And he haveing nothing to pay them Hes rendered him incapable of officiating his trade and durst not be constant in one place, So that he was in most badd circumstances without remeid were provyded by the saids Lords And Therfore humbly Craveing them to take the premisses to their serious Consideratione and to ordaine and sett furth ane method by which the petitioner might have recourse both for his paines and expenses Conforme to his accompt therwith produced, It being unjust he should be ane losser in the matter And that the publict should be meliorated by the Loss and ruine of a privat persone as the petitione bears The Lords of their majesties privy Councill having Considered this petition given in to them be the above John Lochor They heirby Recomend to and appoint the Commissioners of Supplie or Justices of peace within the shyre of Edinburgh wher the above bridge stands to visit the said bridge if the work done be the petitioner be suficient and to receive in and revise the petitioners accompts and to see them payed of what therof they shall find to be resting to him, And that out of the fond appointed be and conforme to the termes of the act of Parliament.

Eodem Die Post meridiem



Act John Lochor masson

Anent a petition given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be John Lochar masson Shewing That quher the petitioner in the year Jaj vjc Eightie thrie was ordained and Comand to Repair and build the bridge of Temple be Sir William Niccolsone of that ilk as being a Justice of peace and for his majesties intrest It being at the time2 most ruinous and of no use to the leidges, Be vertue of a whose Commissione and authoritie he did undertake the repairatione of the Samen, So be it that the said Sir John Nicolsone Sic ane order to his payment which he did accept off accordingly And Promised that at the finishing therof the petitioner should have payment off the first and readiest of the publict customes it being in name and behalf of his majestie and now the said Sir William Nicolsone is long agoe dead who was the Imployer of the petitioner and had left in such circumstances that he knew not of whom to have recourse, Bot since it was for the good and inexpresible conveniencie of his majesties leidges and no wayes pertaineing to the said Sir William Nicolsone bot as being Justice of peace for the time And the petitioner being redacted to miserie not by aby bad behavior of his oun but in paying the workmen whom he Imployed to help him which most partly was borrowed by the petitioner to that effect And now these Creditors haveing used legall dilligences for their money And he haveing nothing to pay them Hes rendered him incapable of officiating his trade and durst not be constant in one place, So that he was in most badd circumstances without remeid were provyded by the saids Lords And Therfore humbly Craveing them to take the premisses to their serious Consideratione and to ordaine and sett furth ane method by which the petitioner might have recourse both for his paines and expenses Conforme to his accompt therwith produced, It being unjust he should be ane losser in the matter And that the publict should be meliorated by the Loss and ruine of a privat persone as the petitione bears The Lords of their majesties privy Councill having Considered this petition given in to them be the above John Lochor They heirby Recomend to and appoint the Commissioners of Supplie or Justices of peace within the shyre of Edinburgh wher the above bridge stands to visit the said bridge if the work done be the petitioner be suficient and to receive in and revise the petitioners accompts and to see them payed of what therof they shall find to be resting to him, And that out of the fond appointed be and conforme to the termes of the act of Parliament.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 192r-193r.

2. The word ‘a’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 192r-193r.

2. The word ‘a’ scored out here.