Act, 9 February 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the nynth day of February Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years



Act Mr Thomas Hervy minister at Auchterderen and the heritors of the said parish

Anent the Suplication given in and presented to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be the heritors of the parishen of Auchterderen and Mr Thomas Hervy minister of the said kirk Shewing That quher since Mr Robert Glassfoord was deprived by the presbytrie of Kirkaldie from being minister at the said kirk which was in october Jaj vjc nyntie And which deposition was approven be the synod of Fyfe (who dyed within a year therafter or therby) Ther are vaccand stipends resting and owing, And the petitioner being admitted minister ther in october last and haveing served the cure at the said kirk and his call Condescended on before Michellmiss last and being at great expences by transporting his familly from Annwick quher he did preach in a meeting house, And it being very weell knowen that the mass of Auchterderren was Sufficiently built and repaired by the heritors, Bot by the said vaccancie the same is become ruinouse, And likewayes the rooff of the said kirk is failling and brocken in severall places, which necessarly must be repaired, And that David Bosswall of Balmoutto patron of the said kirk and who has no land Lyeing in the said parishen has not and Will not Dispose of the said vaccant stipends to pious uses within the said parishen conform to the act of Parliament, And that the heritors of the said parishen at least the far greater pairt therof viz the Countes of Rothes and Weemes, Sir John Dempster of Pitliver, James Edmonstone of Carden Mr John Sinclar of Balgregie David Moncreiff of Boghall, Alexander Bosswell of Glenistoune Mr David Dewar of Reidhouse Androw Ingles of Easterbarhill Androw Abercrombie of Strarodie John Knox of Easter Cartmore and the Currators of […] Colzier of Wester Lochgellie are all content that he should have the half of ane years stipend of the Last year preceiding michellmiss And that the rest be bestowed upon the repairatione of the manse and kirk and building of the kirk dykes and the building of a bridge which leads to the said kirk lately fallen doune and other pious uses within the saids parishin And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords to Grant warrand and Commission to the petitioner Mr Thomas Hervie minister of the said kirk to uplift and Discharge the forsaid vaccand stipends within the said parochin from the respective heritors therof since the Depositione of Mr Robert Glasfoord to be Imployed be the petitioner for the use aboveexpressed at the Sight of two of the heritors the saids Lords pleased to appoint And for that effect to grant letters of horning at his instance against the wholl heritors Lyfrenters and others Lyable in payment of their said stipend dureing the forsaid vaccancie as the petitione bears. The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered a petition given in to them be the heritors of the parishin of Auchterderren and Mr Thomas Harvie minister of the said kirk and writtes produced therwith, They heirby allow the stipend of the said kirk of Auchterderren for the last half of the cropt and year Jaj vjc nyntie one and the first half of the cropt and year Jaj vjc Nyntie two. to be Imployed for repairing of the kirk and manss of the said parish and building of the kirk dykes and building of a bridge which leads to the said Church late by fallen doune and other pious uses within the parish at sight of the Countes of Weymes and Rothes or such as they shall appoint, And nominats and appoints the said Mr Thomas Hervy minister to be factor for uplifting the said two half years Stipend respective above specified And Ordaines him to be readily answered obeyed and payed therof be the heritors fewars wodsetters and others Lybale in payment of the samen, And Ordaines letters of horning under the signet of Councill at his instance against them for that effect upon production of a decreet of Locallitie, And in caice ther be non Ordaines the heritors and others forsaids Lyable in payment as said is To make payment of their respective proportiones of the said two half years stipend according as they shall be Decerned be the Judge Ordinary In Respect the2 said Mr Thomas Herbie factor forsaid has found suficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councill that he shall Imploy the forsaid half years stipend upon the ends and uses asbovementioned, And allowes the said Mr Thomas Harvie the stipend of the said kirk for the last half of the cropt and year of god Jaj vjc nyntie two And ordaines him to be payed therof in maner above mentioned In Respect he has sword and signed the oath of alledgance and signed the assurance to their majesties King William and Queen Mary In presence of one of the Lords of their majesties privy Councill

Edinburgh the nynth day of February Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years



Act Mr Thomas Hervy minister at Auchterderen and the heritors of the said parish

Anent the Suplication given in and presented to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be the heritors of the parishen of Auchterderen and Mr Thomas Hervy minister of the said kirk Shewing That quher since Mr Robert Glassfoord was deprived by the presbytrie of Kirkaldie from being minister at the said kirk which was in october Jaj vjc nyntie And which deposition was approven be the synod of Fyfe (who dyed within a year therafter or therby) Ther are vaccand stipends resting and owing, And the petitioner being admitted minister ther in october last and haveing served the cure at the said kirk and his call Condescended on before Michellmiss last and being at great expences by transporting his familly from Annwick quher he did preach in a meeting house, And it being very weell knowen that the mass of Auchterderren was Sufficiently built and repaired by the heritors, Bot by the said vaccancie the same is become ruinouse, And likewayes the rooff of the said kirk is failling and brocken in severall places, which necessarly must be repaired, And that David Bosswall of Balmoutto patron of the said kirk and who has no land Lyeing in the said parishen has not and Will not Dispose of the said vaccant stipends to pious uses within the said parishen conform to the act of Parliament, And that the heritors of the said parishen at least the far greater pairt therof viz the Countes of Rothes and Weemes, Sir John Dempster of Pitliver, James Edmonstone of Carden Mr John Sinclar of Balgregie David Moncreiff of Boghall, Alexander Bosswell of Glenistoune Mr David Dewar of Reidhouse Androw Ingles of Easterbarhill Androw Abercrombie of Strarodie John Knox of Easter Cartmore and the Currators of […] Colzier of Wester Lochgellie are all content that he should have the half of ane years stipend of the Last year preceiding michellmiss And that the rest be bestowed upon the repairatione of the manse and kirk and building of the kirk dykes and the building of a bridge which leads to the said kirk lately fallen doune and other pious uses within the saids parishin And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords to Grant warrand and Commission to the petitioner Mr Thomas Hervie minister of the said kirk to uplift and Discharge the forsaid vaccand stipends within the said parochin from the respective heritors therof since the Depositione of Mr Robert Glasfoord to be Imployed be the petitioner for the use aboveexpressed at the Sight of two of the heritors the saids Lords pleased to appoint And for that effect to grant letters of horning at his instance against the wholl heritors Lyfrenters and others Lyable in payment of their said stipend dureing the forsaid vaccancie as the petitione bears. The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered a petition given in to them be the heritors of the parishin of Auchterderren and Mr Thomas Harvie minister of the said kirk and writtes produced therwith, They heirby allow the stipend of the said kirk of Auchterderren for the last half of the cropt and year Jaj vjc nyntie one and the first half of the cropt and year Jaj vjc Nyntie two. to be Imployed for repairing of the kirk and manss of the said parish and building of the kirk dykes and building of a bridge which leads to the said Church late by fallen doune and other pious uses within the parish at sight of the Countes of Weymes and Rothes or such as they shall appoint, And nominats and appoints the said Mr Thomas Hervy minister to be factor for uplifting the said two half years Stipend respective above specified And Ordaines him to be readily answered obeyed and payed therof be the heritors fewars wodsetters and others Lybale in payment of the samen, And Ordaines letters of horning under the signet of Councill at his instance against them for that effect upon production of a decreet of Locallitie, And in caice ther be non Ordaines the heritors and others forsaids Lyable in payment as said is To make payment of their respective proportiones of the said two half years stipend according as they shall be Decerned be the Judge Ordinary In Respect the2 said Mr Thomas Herbie factor forsaid has found suficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councill that he shall Imploy the forsaid half years stipend upon the ends and uses asbovementioned, And allowes the said Mr Thomas Harvie the stipend of the said kirk for the last half of the cropt and year of god Jaj vjc nyntie two And ordaines him to be payed therof in maner above mentioned In Respect he has sword and signed the oath of alledgance and signed the assurance to their majesties King William and Queen Mary In presence of one of the Lords of their majesties privy Councill

1. NRS, PC2/24, 182v-184r.

2. The words ‘Respect the’ are an insertion.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 182v-184r.

2. The words ‘Respect the’ are an insertion.