Att Edinburgh the Fyffth day of Januarij Jaj vjc nyntie three years Ante Meridiem Councill Called extraordinarie
Order to Sir James Leslie to punish detatchments at Leith
The Lords of there Majesties privie Councill doe hereby Give order and warrand to Sir James Leslie Comander in cheiff of there majesties forces within this Kingdome for the tyme To cause punish such of the detatchments for recruitts as are in the tolbooth of Leith and wes the occasione of the disturbance and Mutinie made this Last night in the said tolbooth And that aither by putting them in the theeves holl or tyeing neck and heell in the tolbooth where they Lye.
1. PC1/48, 543.
2. PC1/48, 543.
1. PC1/48, 543.
2. PC1/48, 543.