Att Edinburgh The Eighteenth day of Apryll Jaj vic nyntie thrie years
Letter: royal
Letter from the King to his Commissioner
His Majesties Letter to his Commissioner appoynting Esquire Johnstoune one of the secretarys of state to sit Act and vote in this session of Parliament as only secretary of State given to Sir Gilbert Eliot to delyver to the Lord Register to be redd in parliament and ordained a Coppy to lye in the Clerks of Councells hands and the Clarks to cause record the same Folloues the tenor of the Letter
Suprascribitur William Rex
Right trustie and Entirely Beloved Cousing and Councellor Ue Greet yow well Wheras ue have ordored Mr Johnstoune secretary of state for that our Kingdome to repaire thither and to be present at the Ensuing sessione of our parliament And uheras It belongs only to one of the tuo Secretaries Indefinitely to have place and vote in Parliament as ane officer of state Therfore ue doe nominat and appoynte the said Mr Johnstoune our Secretary to have place and vote And in every thing to Act in the Ensuing sessione of parliament as the secretarie officer of state to whom ue uill have the saids priviledges belong pro hac vice allennarlie Given att our Court of Kensingtoune the thrie and tuenty day of March 1693 And of our reigne the fifth year By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur J Johnstoune Directed on the Back For the Duke of Hamiltone our Commissioner
1. NRS, PC1/49, 16.
2. NRS, PC1/49, 16.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 16.
2. NRS, PC1/49, 16.