Warrant, 3 February 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Third day of Februarij Jaj vjc nyntie three years1



Warrand for Intering the Lady Innermay in the Abbay Church

The Lords of there Majesties privie Councill doe hereby recomend to and authorize his Grace The Duke of Hamiltone to allow the Corps of Annabill Rollo spouse to David Drummond of Innermay to be Interred in the abbay church of Holyruidhouse notwithstanding the same be declared to be the Kings Chappell.

At Edinburgh, 3 February 16931



Warrant for interring the Lady Innermay in the Abbey Church

The lords of their majesties’ privy council hereby recommend to and authorise his grace the duke of Hamilton to allow the corpse of Annabell Rollo, spouse to David Drummond of Innermay, to be interred in the abbey church of Holyroodhouse, notwithstanding the same is declared to be the king’s chapel.

1. PC1/48, 572.

2. PC1/48, 572.

1. PC1/48, 572.

2. PC1/48, 572.