Att Edinburgh the Eight day of May Jaj vic nyntie thrie years
Recommendatione to His Majesties Commissioner Anent a vessell in the Firth uith ane English Commissione
The Lord High Commissione and Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Being Informed That ther is a vessell uith ane English commissione To be a privateer presently uithin the firth wherof […] Meek is Commander and who searches scotts shipps not only for French goods but even for tobacco or other goods come from the plantationes albeit these goods were Imported some years agoe The saids Lords Doe Heirby Recommend to his Grace his Majesties High Commissioner as Lord High Admirall of Scotland To Call the Commander of the said vessell before his Grace and examine him anent his deportment and the tearmes of his Commissione and to Give such ordors and Commands to the said Commander as his Grace shall find Just That scots vessells may not be searched for Goods coming from the plantationes nor trowbled nor hindered in any ports coming belonging2 to this Kingdome
1. NRS, PC1/49, 24.
2. Interlinear insertion.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 24.
2. Interlinear insertion.