Edinburgh The Twentie Seventh day of March Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years
Procedure: committee formed
Committie anent Cairnes of Torr
The Councill appoints the Lord Cardross and Fountonhall and the Laird of Grant or any two of them as a quorum to be a Committie for examineing David Cairnes of Torr and such witnesses as shall be adduced before them Anent the said David Cairnes his forging or counterfitting of any writtes presently in the hands of the Clerks of Councill or others Which shall be produced to the said Committie And apoints the said Comittie to mett to morrow at ten in the Forenoon and Report their oppinion therin to the Councill.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 204r.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 204r.