Commission: by the council, 17 January 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Seventeinth day off January Jaj vjc nyntie three years


Commission: by the council

Comission Sir James Ogilvie to be shirreff of Banff

Commissione In favours of Sir James Ogilvie advocat exped under the great seall whereby There Majesties nominat and appoint the said Sir James to be Shirreff principall of the Shyre of Banff dureing there pleasure only read and ordered to be recorded in the Councill books And the said Sir James being called in did swear and signe the oath of alleadgeance and signe the assureance to there majesties King William and Queen Mary And the Lord Chancellour did administer to him the oath de fidelis Followes the tenor of the said Comissione
Gullielmus et Maria Dei Gratia Magnae Brittanniae Franciae et Hyberniae Rex et Regina fideique defensores Omnibus Probis Hominibus ad quos presentes literae nostrae pervenerint Salutem Quandoquidem nos Intelligentes munus et officium vicecomitis principalis vicecomitatus de Bamff in antiquo nostro Scotiae regno In manibus nostris vaccare et ad donationem et dispositionem nostram esse ex obitu Domini Jacobi Baird de Auchmedden et Domini Georgii Gordon de Edinglassie nuper conjunctorum vicecomitum dicti vicecomitatus Nosque autem abunde Cupidi (Cum plurimum regimini nostri Intersit) Quod dictum officium vicecomitis principalis de Bamff exerceatur per quendam notae integritatis et fidelitatis Et pro Justicio subditis nostris administrandis Idoneum Et satis Compertum habentes facultates preclaras et aptitudinem Domini Jacobi Ogilvie advocati Filii Comitis de Findlater pro administranda Justicia subditis nostris in dicta Jurisdictione Et Intelligentes etiam fidelitatem suam et affectum erga servitium nostrum Sciatis Igitur nos nominasse Constituisse et ordinasse Tenoreque presentium nominare Constituere et ordinare dictum Dominum Jacobum Ogilvie vice comitem principalem dictae Jurisdictionis et vicecomitatus de Bamff et precinctus ejusdem durante nostro duntaxat beneplacito Ac per presentes Damus Concedimus et disponimus illi durante spatio antedicto praedictum munus et officium vicecomitis principalis de Bamff Cum omnibus feodis Casualitatibus emolumentis et proficuis ejusdem Cum plenaria eidem potestate nominandi deputatos unum seu plures serjeandos officiarios procuratores fisci et omnia alia membra Curiae necessaria et usitata (exceptis Clericis) pro quibus respondere tenebitur Ac prestandi et exercendi omnia et singula alia ad dictum officium et Jurisdictionem spectantia tam plene Jure libertate et privilegio quam quibus alius vicecomes principalis Infra dictum Regnum nostrum hactenus exercuit aut prestitit aut in posterum exercere et prestare poterit In Cujus Rei Testimonium presentibus Magnum Sigillum nostrum appendi mandavimus Apud aulam nostram de Kensingtoun vigesimo vigesimo tertio die mensis decembris Anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo nonogesimo secundo et anno Regni nostri quarto Per signaturam manu S D N: Regis suprascriptam Written to the great seall and registrat the fourteenth day of Januarii Jaj vjc nyntie three years Sic subscribitur Duncan Ronald deput Sealled at Edinburgh the Fourteenth day of Januarii Jaj vjc nyntie three years Sic subscribitur Alexander Inglis Sealled at Edinburgh the Fourteinth day of Januarij Jaj vjc nyntie three years sic subscribitur Archibald Inglis.

At Edinburgh, 17 January 1693


Commission: by the council

Commission to Sir James Ogilvie to be sheriff of Banff

Commission in favour of Sir James Ogilvie, advocate, expedited under the great seal, whereby their majesties nominate and appoint the said Sir James to be sheriff principal of the shire of Banff during their pleasure only, read and ordered to be recorded in the council books. And the said Sir James being called in, swore and signed the oath of allegiance and signed the assurance to their majesties King William and Queen Mary and the lord chancellor administered to him the oath de fideli. Follows the tenor of the said commission:
William and Mary by the grace of God, king and queen of Great Britain, France and Ireland, and defenders of the faith, to all good men to whom our present letters will have come, greetings. Since we, understanding the duty and office of sheriff principal of the sheriffdom of Banff in our ancient kingdom of Scotland lies vacant in our hands and is at our donation and disposition from the death of Sir James Baird of Auchmedden and of Sir George Gordon of Edinglassie, recently joint sheriffs of the said sheriffdom, and we however are abundantly eager (since it is the best for our government) that the said office of sheriff principal of Banff should be exercised by someone of noted integrity and fidelity, and suitable for administering justice to our subjects. And having found enough the outstanding faculties and suitability of Sir James Ogilvie advocate, son of the earl of Findlater, for administering justice to our subjects in the said jurisdiction, and also understanding his loyalty and affection towards our service, know therefore that we have nominated, constituted and ordained, and by the tenor of the presents nominate, constitute and ordain the said Sir James Ogilvie sheriff principal of the said jurisdiction of both the sherrifdom of Banff and its precinct, during our pleasure only. And by the presents we give, grant and assign to him, during the aforesaid interval, the foresaid duty and office of sheriff principal of Banff with all its fees, casualties, emoluments and profits. With full power to him of nominating deputies one or more, serjeants, officers, procurators fiscal and all other members of court necessary and customary (except clerks) for whom he will be held to answer. And of providing and exercising all and single other things pertaining to the said office and jurisdiction so fully by law, liberty and privilege as with which another sheriff principal within our said kingdom exercised or provided thus far, or will be able to exercise and provide in the future. In testimony whereof, we have ordered our great seal to be appended to the presents. At our court of Kensington, 23 December 1692, and in the fourth year of our reign. By the sign manual of our supreme lord the king above written. Written to the great seal and registered on 14 January 1693. Subscribed Duncan Ronald deput. Sealed at Edinburgh, 14 January 1693. Subscribed Alexander Inglis. Sealed at Edinburgh, 14 January 1693, subscribed Archibald Inglis.

1. PC1/48, 556-7.

1. PC1/48, 556-7.