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Editorial Introduction
Historical Introduction
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Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh
3 January 1693
Act: Act and Remitt anent a vessell and passengers come in to Eymouth
Procedure: committee: Additionall Comittee for putting the Countrey in a posture of defence
Act: Act Mr Alexander Lundie
4 January 1693
Act: Act ordaining the Flanders officers to receave there recruitts
5 January 1693
Letter: royal: Letter for adjourning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamatione adjourning the parliament
Order: Order to Sir James Leslie to punish detatchments at Leith
5 January 1693 (pm)
Procedure: remit : Remitt to the Comittee anent the militia
10 January 1693
Decreet: Decreet The Sollicitor against ministers in Perthshyre
Order: Order to the shirreff deput of Pearth anent ministers not praying for King and Queen
Act: Act Thomas Kellie
Procedure: petition: [Petition anent the Mint]
Act: Act dischargeing souldiers to be drawen out of Blackness for recruitts
Procedure: report: Report approbation and Recomendation to the Comittee anent militia and Countreys defence
Act: Protectione Cuninghame younger of Robertland
12 January 1693
Procedure: report: Report of the Comittee for putting the Kingdom in a posture of defence
Order: Recomendatione to the theasurie anent the armes of disbanded forces and armes to be bought
Order: Order the Flanders officers to receave the recruitts and to Sir James Leslie to set guairds on these recruits
Proclamation: Proclamation appoynting heretors to be in readyness upon fourty eight houres advertisement
14 January 1693
Procedure: letter: Lord Chancellour to wreitt to the secretary anent the militia and officers thereof and a signet to the Councill
Letter: royal: Letter from the Councill to the King anent the schem of the militia
Letter: royal: Schem of the militia sent with the above Letter
17 January 1693
Commission: by the council: Comission Sir James Ogilvie to be shirreff of Banff
Procedure: report: Anent 5000 fyre armes
Procedure: Certification The Sollicitor against Mr Wilson minister
19 January 1693
Procedure: Duke of Hamilton receaved a Councillor
Decreet: Decreet There Majesties Sollicitor against ministers in Berwickshire
Warrant: Warrand to the shirreff of Fyff for apprehending Mrs Edward, Wood and Balfour ministers in Fyff
24 January 1693
Commission: by the council: Commission Major Buntine to be Governor of Dumbartoune Castle
Order: Recomendatione to the Lord Chancellour to signe a pass to Mr John Meinzies
Act: Act Stopting the electione of the proveist ane bailzie and theasurer of Edinburgh
Decreet: Decreet absolvitor Mr Adam Waddell
Warrant: Warrand to Bonhard and Mainer to furnish blanquetts to the recruitts at Blackness
26 January 1693
Proclamation: Proclamation dischargeing the exportation of broken brass and Copper
Warrant: Warrand for transporting Gordon Davidson and Crightoun from Leith to Edinburgh and the advocat to persue them
Act: Protectione John Urquhart of Meldrum
Letter: royal: Letter from the Councill To the Kings majestie Edinburgh
31 January 1693
Letter: royal: Kings Letter for adjourning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation for adjourning the parliament
Procedure: report: Lord Chancellour acquanted the Councill that he hes taken bond from the Late Arch Bishop of Glasgow
31 January 1693 (pm)
Warrant: Warrand for transporting, Smith Strachan Morisone and Jaffrey from Aberdeen to Edinburgh tolbooth
2 February 1693
Procedure: Craig of Riccartoune appoynted to be a Comissioner of Supplie in Edinburgh shyre
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent hearth money
Act: Liberatione Sir Robert Hamilton
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent the Robbers of Penniecooks house
3 February 1693
Warrant: Warrand for Intering the Lady Innermay in the Abbay Church
Warrant: Warrand to the Comittee to offer Lyfe and Limb to Serjeant William Faa
6 February 1693
Letter: royal: Kings Letter anent the schem of the militia, proclamation for calling out the heretors, Bringing home armes Shirreffs new establishment, Duke of Hamilton to preside in all Commissiones officers of state to be auditors of accompts and the toun of Edinburgh electione
Letter: royal: Kings Letter appointing the Earl of Annandale a privie Councillour
Letter: royal: Kings Letter declareing Sir William Lockhart to be no more Sollicitor nor a Councillour
Letter: royal: Kings Letter declareing Sir Patrick Murray no more Generall receavor nor a Councillour
Order: [Recommendation to the Chancellor anent the above letters]
7 February 1693
Commission: by the council: Gift In favours of Sir James Ogilvie to be Sollicitor
Procedure: committee: Comittee for prepareing ane proclamatione for regulating souldiers in there quarters and otherwayes
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent the Comissioners of Supplie who have not qualifyed themselves
Order: Recomendation to the Lord Chancellor to returne the Councills thanks to the magistrats of Dumbar for seizing boatts goeing to the Bass
Act: Establishment of the the Forces
9 February 1693
Procedure: remit: Comittee anent a proclamatione for redressing abuses by souldiers
14 February 1693
Proclamation: Proclamation for preventing and regulating abuses by souldiers
Decreet: Decreet Bailzie Robertson and others againest the magistrats and toun Councill of Edinburgh elected at michaellmes last
16 February 1693
Procedure: Earl of Annandale received a privie Councillour
Act: Liberation Viscount of Frendraught
Decreet: Decreet there majesties sollicitor against ministers in Arguyllshyre
Warrant: Warrand to the magistrats of Edinburgh to delyver four prisoners to Captain Gordone to be souldiers
Act: Prorogation of Meldrums protection
Warrant: Warrand for Incarcerateing James Bruce
Act: Liberation James Jarvie
Warrant: Warrand for Liberating four seamen out of the guairdhouse of Edinburgh
21 February 1693
Procedure: remit: Remitt anent Bruce and Jarvie
Act: Act appoynting the Kings troops and Sir Thomas Livingtouns dragoons to take provisions from the Comissary and pay him therefore
Act: Act anent Interloquitors against persons in France
Order: Recomendatione to the Lord Chancellour anent witnesses against Earl of Sieforth and Lord Fraser
Order: Recomendatione anent the Earl of Sieforths accomplices
23 February 1693
Procedure: petition: Anent Earl of Lauderdaills Comeing to Scotland
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent Beggars
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent Highwayes
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent ministers of South Leith
Act: Liberatione George Chrystie by a Committee
Act: Liberation John Hay
25 February 1693
Letter: royal: Letter from the Kings majestie for adjourning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation for adjourning the parliament
Letter: royal: Letter from the Kings majestie anent the Lord Strathnave and Collonel Moncreifs regiments
Warrant: Warrand for Levyeing Lord Strathnavers and Collonel Moncreiffs regiment
28 February 1693
Commission: by the council: Comission Frances Naismith to be a macer
Decreet: Decreet Mr William Wishart against Mr Charles Kay
Decreet: Decreet of Deprivation There Majesties Advocat against Doctor Gairdines
Order: Recomendation to send men of warr againest privateers
Order: Cockburne and Swyne Imprisoned
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent persones come from France
Act: Safe Conduct refused to the Earl of Lauderdaile
Warrant: Comittees warrand for liberating John Ewing
Act: Liberation John Eastoun
Warrant: Comittees warrand for Liberating Alexander Crawfurd
3 March 1693
Order: Tumult in Edinbugh and Kings guard called
Order: Four Companyes of traind bands to be on, and Nether Bow to be keept open
Procedure: committee: Comitee anent tumults and Cockburn and Calder
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent a letter for the Secretary of state
Order: Prisoners transported from Canongate to Edinburgh
Proclamation: Proclamation against tumults in Edinburgh
4 March 1693
Letter: from the council: Letter to the secretary anent the tumult and Mr Calder
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent Doctor Cockburne and Mr Robert Calder
Procedure: committee : Comittee anent false news
6 March 1693
Letter: royal: Letter from the King anent Seamen
Order: Anent David Dunbar skipper
Procedure: committee: Comittee for examining persones anent the late tumult
7 March 1693
Order: Anent Robert Dunbar skipper
Order: Order to Thomas Riddell for in Loadeing the Leed put aboord of his ship
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent Seamen
Order: Henrie Hamiltoun to Continow at Liberty
Act: Liberatione James Malcolme
Order: Thomas Smith to continow at Liberty
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent prisoners In company with Thomas Irving
Procedure: committee: Additionall Comittee anent the tumult
Warrant: Warrand to raise processes anent the Late tumults
Order: Order anent forces to be transported to Edinburgh for suppressing of tumults
Act: Act Laird of Grant
Act: Prorogatione of Meldrum's protectione
Act: Liberatione George Swyne
Act: Liberatione Cockburne of Cathrae
7 March 1693 (pm)
Act: Liberatione John Lothiane
Warrant: Open prisone to Doctor Cockburne
Act: Liberation James Bruce
Act: Act Reponeing Mr Duncan Beattoun
Act: Act anent the french prisoners in the tolbooth of the Canongate
8 March 1693
Act: Act for transporting Rob and Dawson to Edinburgh tolbooth
Warrant: Warrand anent James Jarvies boat and to make himself prisoner
9 March 1693
Order: Recomendation to the Lord Advocat to draw a Letter to the King anent the contract for furnishing the forces and offeres thereanent
Warrant: Warrand for raising Letters against Robert Dunbar
9 March 1693 (pm)
Act: Act for punishing of tumults in Colledges
Procedure: committee: Comittee Jaffray Smith and Morison
Act: Liberation Thomas Irving
Procedure: committee: [Committee anent seamen]
14 March 1693
Commission: by the council: Comission Mr John Ker to be one of the directors of Chancellorie
Procedure: protestation: Protestatione Sir William Ker against the above Comissione
Procedure: Memoriall Mr William Erskine anent Seamen
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent Seamen
Decreet: Decreet There majesties advocat against Skipper Dunbars Cautioners
Act: Liberation Jaffrey and Smith
Order: Mr Robert Calder allowed the open prisone
Act: Liberatione James Munell and others
Procedure: committee: Comittee the witnesses against Bruce and Jarvie
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent beggars
14 March 1693 (pm)
Decreet: Certificatione and Decreit There majesties Advocat against persones guilty of the Late tumult
Letter: from the council: Letter from the Councill to the secretarie anent corne and straw
Order: Recomendation anent Doctor Oliphants bond
Warrant: Comittees warrand for Liberating James Bruce
Warrant: Comittees warrand for Liberating William Robb
15 March 1693
Letter: from the council: Letter from the Council to the Secretary anent Commissions for Highlands
20 March 1693
Letter: from the council: Letter from the Councill to Secretary Johnstoun anent Robert Dunbar and Earl of Arguylls privateer
Order: Recomendatione To the Lords of Theasury In favours of the subcollectors of the hearth money
Order: Recomendation to the Lord Advocat to raise a process of treason against Robert Dunbar
Order: Order for seizing Hugh Campbell and his ship
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent a ship for security of trade in the Firth
Procedure: adjournment: [Adjournment of the council]
27 March 1693
Act: Liberation Hugh Campbell
Order: Recomendation to the Lord Advocat to raise a process against Conversery with the late King James
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Advocat to Insist against the Lord Fraser for treasone
Order: Recomendation for securing the peace at Aberdeen
Warrant: Warrand to transport [...] from the tolbooth to the Correctionhouse of Edinburgh
Warrant: Warrand for Continowing the process against ministers in Stratherne
Letter: royal: Kings Letter for adjourning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation for adjourning the parliament
31 March 1693
Warrant: Warrand for transporting and Imprisoning the Duke of Gordoune
4 April 1693
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Indemnifying deserters
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Anent preists
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Anent Sir William Sharp
Letter: to the council: Letter From The Secretary Anent the pryces of Corne and straw Tuo Fryggotts to the Firth Comission for Searching Scotts Shipps and to process Calder
Act: Act For Choysing a new Commissioner In Haddingtoune Shyre
Act: Repryve James Campbell
Decreet: Decreit Their Majesties Advocat Against Ministers in Strathern
Order: Recommendatione to the Advocat to examine Skipper Grey
5 April 1693
Proclamation: Proclamatione Indemnifying deserters
Act: Sir William Sharp continoued at liberty
Order: Recommendation to Some Councellors to deall uith some preists
Act: Liberatione Walter Grey
Warrant: Warrand for Keeping [...] Kennock prisoner
6 April 1693
Warrant: Warrand For transporting John Robertsone From Haddingtoun to Edinburgh
Acts: Act suspending the Circuit courts for this year
13 April 1693
Warrant: Warrand for holding a Councell of warr upon John Robertsone
Procedure: The Lord Strathnaver admitted a Councellor
Act: Liberatione David Cairns of Torr
Act: Liberatione James Andersone
Warrant: Warrand For Liberating four preists at Edinburgh and Blackness
Order: Ordor Anent the rebells of the Bass
Procedure: recommendation: Recommendation to the Thesaury to furnish a boat Against the Bass
17 April 1693
Procedure: Act Anent the manner of calling the officers of state in this Currant parliament
Act: Liberatione Mr James Hepburne
Order: Ordor Anent the Earle of Marshall and Errolls guirds the tyme of the sitting of the parliament
Procedure: Commissione Sir Thomas Livingstoune to be Master of the ordinance
18 April 1693
Procedure: Commissione to The Duke of Hamilton to be Commisioner to the fourth session of parliament
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to his Commissioner
25 April 1693
Warrant: Warrand for Interring Sir John Shaues Corps in the Abbay of Halyrudhouse
28 April 1693
Letter: royal: Earl of Selkirk and Lord Ross admitted privy Councellors
Procedure: Additione and Remitt to Committie anent Seamen
2 May 1693
Procedure: Proposall The Councell to the parliament anent seamen
4 May 1693
Act: Repryve James Campbell
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Anent the Earle of Argylls peces of ordinance
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Anent The said Letter
Act: Liberatione Sir Robert Hamiltone
Procedure: Earle of Erroll receaved a Councellor
Procedure: committee formed: Committie to examine [...] Kenmock
Act: Liberatione Morisone and Strachan
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Anent Mr Patrick Smiths papers
Procedure: Approbatione of Smith Mcgill and Suirds Imprisonment
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent persones under Bale
Procedure: Mr John Frazers obleidgement
8 May 1693
Order: Recommendatione to His Majesties Commissioner Anent a vessell in the Firth uith ane English Commissione
13 May 1693
Procedure: Earle of Southerland Receaved a privie Councellor
Order: Recommendatione to the Earle of Leven anent the wyfes of prisoners in the Castle
Order: Recommendation to the Earle of Leven anent the Dutchess of Gordoune
Warrant: Warrand For Letters of Intercomuning Against the rebells in the Bass
Letter: royal: Letters of Intercommuning Against the saids rebells
Procedure: report: The Lord Commissioners Report anent the ship uith the English Commission in the road of Leith
Decreet: Decreit Absolvitor Their Majesties Advocat Against Mr James Strachane
22 May 1693
Decreet: Decreit of deprivatione Their Majesties Advocat Against Lambie Auchterlonie and Dumbarr
Act: Liberatione The Lord Frazer
Act: Act Lord Bellenden
Act: Act Livingstoune of Kilsyth
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Mr John Cockburne
Decreet: Decreit of Deprivatione Their Majesties Advocat Against Innes and Cuming
Decreet: Decreit of deprivation Their Majesties Advocat Against Mr David Angus
Act: Act Mr John Duncan and other merchants traffiquing in foraign pairts
Act: Liberatione Adam Mossman
Procedure: Approbatione of Navill Pains transportatione
26 May 1693
Procedure: Anent The adjurning of the Sessione
Order: The Seamen to be offered by way of Instrument
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Anent Midletoune Nicolsone and Uotham
Warrant: Warrand for Imprisoning the Viscount of Oxfoord
Warrant: Warrand for transporting Gairletoun from Edinburgh to Blackness
Procedure: Sir William Baird receaved the thanks of the Board
Order: Patrick Bell Confyned to Edinburgh
Order: Androw Baird and Thomas Mcbraer Committed prisoners to be prosecute criminally
Warrant: Warrand for Inteiring the Lord Cardross in the abbay Church
Warrant: Warrand superceeding the denunciatione of Langtoune and Cockburne
Procedure: Approbatione of what is done Against persones under Bale
Order: Recommendatione to Sir Thomas Livingstoune to view the two regiments designed for Ireland
Order: Recommendatione to The Thesaurie Reid and Broune
Order: Recommendatione to Sir Thomas Livingstoune to wryte anent boats going and coming Into the Bass
Procedure: Approbatione of the secretaries Imprisoning the Lady Largoe
Warrant: Uarrand for Imprisoning Colonell Uinraham In the castle of Stirling
Act: Act for Imprisoning Captain Maitland
Procedure: committee formed: Committie for Securing the peace of the natione and for administrating the oath of alleadgeance and Assurance
27 May 1693
Order: Recomendatione to the Lord Strathnaver and Sir James Muncreiff to speak uith Sir Thomas Livingstoune anent armes
Act: Act James Irvine Macer
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Advocat for citing severall persones
Procedure: Report of the Committie Anent the security of the peace of the natione
Order: Recommendatione for posting the forces on the Southuest Boarders
Act: Protectione The Earle of Home
Warrant: Uarrand for Confyning Mr Thomas Gordoune to the toune of Killmarnock
30 May 1693
Proclamation: Proclamatione appoynting persones to administrat the oath of alleadgance and Assurance
Warrant: Uarrand for Transporting the Earle of Home
Act: Act Confyning Scottstarvat to Edinburgh
Procedure: Kininmunth and Chirrietrees took the oathes
Warrant: Uarrand for Imprisoning The Lairds of Ednem and Gladstanes
Petition: [Petition from John Lambie]
Act: Liberatione Ediesone and others anent the tumult of Edinburgh
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Advocat for a lybell of treasone Against Midletoun Nicolsone and Wotham
1 June 1693
Warrant: Uarrand For Imprisoning Sir William Bruce in Stirline Castle
Warrant: Warrand For Confyning the Viscount of Stormounth to Glasgow
Procedure: The Lord Advocat to speak uith the Lord Muntgomery
Act: Liberatione James Campbell
Warrant: Uarrand For Imprisoning the Lord Drumcairne in the castle of Edinburgh
Order: Imprisonment Captain Douglas
Order: Imprisonment Captaine Broune
Procedure: Excuse The Lord Kinaird
Order: Imprisonment Mathew Hamilton
Act: Liberatione Mr John Lambie
Order: Ordor to The Lord secretary to wryte to the Queen Anent the two regiments
Warrant: Warrand to The Lord Advocat to raise Letters Against Stobbs and others
Order: ordor Anent servants staying in prisones uith their masters or Ladies
Procedure: committee formed: Committie to visite the Castle of Edinburgh for roomes to prisoners
3 June 1693
Procedure: Lord Glames excused
Warrant: Warrand to Give up the Earle of Perths bonds
Warrant: Uarrand to transport Captain Maitland to Blackness
Act: Liberatione Adiesone
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Anent a skipper designing from Aberdour to the Bass
Act: Sist of executione upon Leivt Collonell Olyphants bond of Cautionry
Warrant: Warrand for open prisone To the Lady Largo
6 June 1693
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Anent Hog and Wilsone
Warrant: Warrand to Alderstoune to wryte to Mr Andrew Hay
Act: Act Anent The Countess of Dunfermling
Act: Protectione James Deuar
Act: Forfaulture of Valentine Brouns Bond
Act: Forfaulture Leivt James Murrays bond
Act: Forefaulture of Lues Hays Bond
Act: Forfaulture Ensigne Muats Bond
Warrant: Uarrand Continowing Clova att Libertie
Warrant: Uarrand for Imprisoning Michaell Malcolme
Act: Act Continouing Pourie Cautioner for his son
Act: Act The magistrats and toune Councell of Edinburgh Elected at michaelmes and anent the decreit reducing that electione
20 June 1693
Warrant: Warrand to the Earle of Perth to uryte to his sone in France
Act: Act Reponing James Irvine macer
Act: Act for open prisone and taking off the Irons of James Broune
Letter: royal: Letter from the King To the Duke of Hamilton Lord secretary and Sir Thomas Livingstoune
Act: Act Anent Captaine Douglass Libertie
Warrant: Uarrand for transporting a theiff to Edinburgh
Order: Recommendatione to the Thesaury Anent a boat designed for the Bass taken at Aberdoure
Procedure: [Procedure concerning persons under bail]
22 June 1693
Warrant: Uarrand For Letters of denunciatione Against The Earle of Balcarras and Home of Wedderburn
Act: Act The Lord Keith and others who refused the oath of alleadgance and assurance
Warrant: The Countess of Home to remaine in the castle uith her husband
Act: Liberatione The Lady Largo
Procedure: [Viscount of Frendraught and cautioner]
Act: Liberatione Mr John Seatoune suspected to be a preist
Warrant: Uarrand to The Earl of Leven to receave the Master of Balmerinoch and Mr Hary Mauld into the castle of Edinburgh
Act: Protectione Lord Sinclair
27 June 1693
Letter: royal: [Letter about Scots ships]
Warrant: Uarrand For Coll Hills administrating the oaths to the Clanns
Act: Liberatione Pass Sungall
Act: Liberatione Widdow Foord
Decreet: Sentence Against Mr John Cockburne
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Anent prisoners
Act: Act allouing Mrs Patersone and Frazer to goe home
Act: Act Alexander Steuart brother to Ballachane and his sone
Warrant: Warrand for Imprisoning The Viscount of Frendraught
Warrant: Warrand for Giving up the bonds of persones fyned upon their taking the oathes
28 June 1693
Letter: from the council: Letter from the Councell To The Earle of Marishall
Act: Act for Charging the said Earle to Give up the castle of Dunotter
Letter: to the council: Anent the Castle of Dunnotter
Warrant: Warrand to the Earle of Linlithgow and others to wryte to the Earle of Abboyne in France
Warrant: Warrand to Mr David Ramsay to wryte to the Lady Aldie
Warrant: [Warrant to write to the Countess of Southesk in France]
28 June 1693 (pm)
Warrant: Warrand for transporting Navill Paine to Dumbartoun castle
Warrant: Warrand for transporting Leivt Collonell Ballfour to Edinburgh castle
Act: Act Fyning Provost Hay in 500lb sterline
Decreet: Certificatione The Lord Advocat Against The Laird of Meldrum Captain Mair and Aitkine
Act: Liberatione The Earle of Perth
Act: Liberatione The Lady Largo
Act: Act Discharging Suspensione of fynes for not taking the oaths
Act: Protectione Leivt William Bruce
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Anent the security of the peace and publict affairs
29 June 1693
Act: Act taking off the Lord Keiths Confynment
Letter: royal: Letters to the King and Queen Anent seasing Scotts shipps in our oune ports
Letter: royal: Letter to the King
Letter: royal: Letter to the Queen
5 July 1693
Warrant: Anent warrands for wryting to France
Order: Remitt Annent John Lausone
3 August 1693
Procedure: Committie upon the proposall for securing trade Against french Capers
Warrant: Warrand for reaceaving in the oaths till the fifth of september nixt
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Anent prisoners
Act: Act declaring before whome Ministers Licenced or the subscribers of a Call are to take the oaths
Procedure: Committie for revising Mrs Anna Murrays papers and approving her Imprisonment
3 August 1693 (pm)
Act: Liberatione Mrs Anna Murray
Procedure: Recomendatione for revising the Minuts of parliament preceeding second of May last
Warrant: Warrand for reprinting the Acts of the Last session of parliament and former Acts of parliament and conventione uith the pryces of them
4 August 1693
Act: Act prorogating the dyet of the Earle of Perths departure till the first ships saile
Procedure: Continuatione and addition The Committie for security of the peace
Warrant: Warrand for closing the Netherbow Port
Warrant: Warrand For quartering a Regiment of dragoones beyond Tay
Act: Protectione James Deuar
Petition: [Petition Viscount of Tarbat anent parliamentary acts printed without knowledge]
Act: Act allouing the Countess of Seaforths sister to remaine in the Castle in absence of the Countess
25 August 1693
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Anent Calder and Kidd
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen to the Councell In ansuer to theirs
Letter: to the council: Letter from the Lord Justices of Ireland to the Councell
Warrant: Warrand The Lord Advocat to pursue Calder and Kid
Act: Liberatione James Lausone
Decreet: Interloquitor assoilzing Grant of Ballendalloch
Procedure: Approbatione of Meggatts Liberation
Warrant: Uarrand for delyvering three prisoners to the Lord Strathnaver
Act: Liberatione Uauchs wyfe
29 August 1693
Letter: royal: Letter for adjurning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamatione adjurning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamatione Anent Beggars
Warrant: Warrand to Give out extracts anent of the Kings Letter anent the Imposition granted to the toune of Glasgow
Letter: royal: Letter from the King anent the said Impositione
Procedure: The Magistrats of Edinburgh Called and a Committie Anent Highwayes
Procedure: The Lord Tarbat to Consider Anent oaths of alleadgance and assurance reported or not reported
Act: Liberatione Irvine of Stanck
Order: Open prisone to Smith and Mcgill
5 September 1693
Procedure: Remitt to the Lord Tarbat Anent Minuts of parliament
Act: Protectione Bannyntine of Kames
Procedure: [Committee appointed for letter to king]
Order: Recomendatione Anent a valuatione of Beruickshyre
Order: Earle of Strathmore to administrat the oaths to the heretors in Forfarshyre and they to be Commissioners for revaluing the said shyre
7 September 1693
Proclamation: Proclamatione superceeding the monthly fast
Procedure: committee report: Report of the Committy made Anent the Commissars of the Army
Letter: from the council: Letter to the shirreffs anent the Commissars of the Army
Act: Liberatione James Mcgill
7 September 1693 (pm)
Warrant: Warrand for Liberating Meggit
Act: Liberatione Mr James Smith
Act: Liberatione Mr James Kirk
Act: Liberatione and Confynment Livingstoune of Kilsyth
Act: Liberatione The master of Balmerinoch
Act: Liberatione and Confynment Hary Maule
Order: Change of Mr Thomas Gordouns Confynment
Act: Liberatione Alexander Kynach
Procedure: committee report: Report Anent The Calsayes and uayes about Edinburgh
Warrant: Warrand for Liberating Irvine of Stanck free of House dues
Act: Liberation John Riddoch
Procedure: Continuatione Committie for publict affairs
Letter: royal: [Letter to the King Anent Highland men to find Lowland Cautioners]
26 September 1693
Letter: royal: [Letter from the King Anent the Generall assembly]
Letter: royal: Letter from the Councell to the King Anent Highland men finding Louland Cautioners
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Anent the Generall assembly
Act: Liberatione The Earle of Home
Act: Act appoynting the dyet of meeting of the Commission for schools and colledges
Act: Act Sir John Murray of Drumcairne
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Advocat To pursue Mr Richard Waddell
Procedure: committee formed: Committie for seing the Ansuers made to the Interrogatours anent a ship carryed out of Firth to England right uorded
Procedure: Complaint Anent Souldiers
27 September 1693
Act: Liberatione Stirlingspouse to Campbell
Act: Act William Corss and othes anent a ship
Procedure: Duke of Hamilton goes for London
Proclamation: Proclamatione Indicting a Generall assembly
29 September 1693
Act: Repryve William Aird
Order: Order recalling the old uarrand for citing persones who had refused the oaths
Act: Liberatione Mr Alexander Jamiesone
10 October 1693
Letter: royal: Letter From The Queen Anent Cornes
Warrant: Warrand for Liberty to Sprinkell 2 houres in the day
12 October 1693
Letter: royal: Letter from the Councell To the Queen
Proclamation: proclamatione Against transporting Cornes to France
Act: Protectione Robert Sandilands
Warrant: Warrand for Registrating Kilsyths Bond
Warrant: Warrand for raising Letters Against The master of Balmerinoch and Mr Hary Maule
Warrant: Warrand to Kilsyth to change his Chamber
Act: Act Appoynting old Bonds to be given up at the receaving of new ones
Act: Protectione Bannatyne of Kames
Act: Protectione Jams Deuar
Warrant: Warrand for adjurning the session yeerly on the Kings birthday
Procedure: The Earle of Leven Acquants the Councell He uill fyre the Guns of the castle at the Kings landing in England
Act: Act Sir Thomas Livingstoune for detatchments to Stirline Castle
31 October 1693
Order: The Commissars of the Army Called for
Procedure: committee formed: Committie and approbatione Anent Mistress Brysone
7 November 1693
Act: Repryve Uilliam Aird
Act: Protectione Bannatyne of Kaims
Act: Protectione Balmano
Act: Protectione Olyphant of Carrie
Procedures: Remitt to the Lord Lyon Anent messengers
Order: Proclamatione to be prepared for a day of thanksgiving for the Kings safetie
Act: Mistress Brysone Imprisoned
Warrant: Warrand for changing Kilsyths prisone
Procedure: committee formed: Committie for viewing the prisons
Procedure: The Laird of Grant goes to Courte
Procedure: Lord Advocats Report Anent the Master of Balmerinoch and Mr Hary Maull
Decreet: Certificatione The Lord Advocat Against Mr Richard Waddell
8 November 1693
Proclamation: proclamatione for a solemn thanksgiving
Act: Liberatione The Master of Balmerino and Mr Hary Maull
9 November 1693
Act: Liberatione Greirson of Lagg and uthers
14 November 1693
Procedure: The Earle of Drumlangrig goes to Courte
Act: Liberatione Donald Clark
Letter: royal: Letter to the King In favoures of the Lord Arthbuthnet
Order: Recommendatione to Sir Thomas Livingstoune to wryte to the Earle of Seaforths uncle to Enter himself prisoner in Stirling Castle
21 November 1693
Commission by the Council: Commissione for trying Robert Millar
Commission by the Council: Commission of Justiciary For trying Elizabeth Dasone
Act: Protectione Bannatyne of Kaims
Procedure: committee formed: Committie for Mr David Dunmuirs taking the oath of alleadgance and assurance
23 November 1693
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Mr Archibald Sinclair to take the oath of alleadgance and assurance
Order: Recommendatione to The Lord Advocat anent Mr Alexander Jamiesone
Order: Sollicitor to Cite Commissaries Generall
28 November 1693
Letter: royal: Letter from the King adjurning the Generall Assembly
Proclamation: Proclamatione Adjurning the Generall assembly
28 November 1693 (pm)
Order: The Commissaries of the Army called
30 November 1693
Act: Repryve Cathrine Comrie
Act: Liberatione Thomas Meldrum
Decreet: Interloquitor sentance Mr Ualter Colvill
Act: Change of Euphan Colstains sentence
Act: Liberation Thomas Mcbraer
5 December 1693
Act: : Liberatione Mcnaughten
7 December 1693
Act: : Act Changing The Viscount of Stormonts Confynment
Warrant: : Warrand for tuo houres liberty each day to Sprinkell
12 December 1693
Act: : Protectione Bannatyne of Kaims
Act: : Liberatione John Broune
14 December 1693
Act: : Liberatione Ensigne Kerr
Warrant: : Mr Robert Forbes alloued to take the oath of alleadgance and assurance
Procedure: committee formed: : Additionall Committie to revise the proclamatione anent additionall excyse
Letter: royal: : [Letter from the king to the council concerning levies]
Procedure: committee formed: : Committie upon the Kings Letter
19 December 1693
Procedure: : Remitt to the Committie Anent Levys
Order: : Recommendation to the Thesaury Anent subsistance to Sir James Leslys regiment
Act: : Liberatione Mistress Bryssone
22 December 1693
Proclamation: : Proclamatione Anent the new Levys
Letter: royal: : Letter from the Councell to the King anent the Levies
Proclamation: : Proclamatione For better Inbringing their Majesties excyse
Warrant: : Warrand for examining the Lady Lockhart
Act: : Liberatione Mr Alexander Jamesone
Order: : Change of Peter Bells confynment
26 December 1693
Act: : Act and deprivation Mr William Wood
Letter: royal: : Letter for adjurning the parliament
Proclamation: : Proclamatione adjurning the parliament
Procedure: : Committie Anent The Lady Lockhart
Procedure: : Approbatione of the procedure of the Committee and others Anent the Lady Lockhart
Act: : Act Mr Alexander Haggins anent the Countess of Southesk
Procedure: : The Lord Justice Clark goes for London
Petition: : Petitione William Wotham
28 December 1693
Warrant: : Warrand For Changing Peter Bells Confynment
Order: : Committie to draw a proclamatione Against persones going out of the kingdome
Order: : The Lord Advocat to examine Alexander Smith
Act: : Act of Banishment Captaine Patoune
3 January 1693
Petition: [Petition Dow and Mckony]
Act: Act and Remitt John Innes of Lewchers.
Procedure: remission: [Cockburne of Langtoune Against Collonell Cuninghame]
5 January 1693
Petition: [Petition Alexander Southerland]
Judicial Proceeding: Remitt The Countess Dowager of Lauderdale Against the Countes therof
Decreet: Interloquitor anent the Ship at Eymouth designed for the Bass
Order: [Committee anent Langtoune and Cuninghame]
Petition: [Petition William Craig]
10 January 1693
Act: Act The Magistrats of Kirkaldie.
Order: [Anent William Craig, skipper]
12 January 1693
Procedure: Committie anent Robison and Wilson
Order: Order anent Gray and Kirkwood
Order: Order anent Mcpherson and Mckeny
Order: Order anent Archibald Alexander
Act: Act Mr Alexander Alexander minister at Glass
17 January 1693
Decreet: Decreet Suspension Sir James Ramsay Against Earl of Seaforth
Order: Order anent the Coyneing the thrie pund peices
19 January 1693
Petition: [Petition Cochran of Killmarnovk]
Act: Act Captain Mckay Against Mcphersone and McConny.
Act: Act Countess Dowager of Lauderdale.
Decreet: Interloquitor anent the stipends of Innverness
24 January 1693
Decreet: Decreet Suspending the letters Mackay against Mcphersone
Act: Act The Masters of Paulls Work
Act: Act Balhousie Against Mr George Young
Decreet: Certificatione Carmicheall Against Mcnabb.
Act: Act James Anderson and others
26 January 1693
Order: Order anent Francis Brodie
Order: Order anent Francis Allan Gardner Deserter.
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent The Lady Monktoune
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent The Lady Harden
Act: Act Kathrin Forrester
Act: Act Mr Samuell Spalding minister
Act: Act Mr John Auchterlony
Petition: [Petition Mr Alexander Jamisone]
Act: Act John Howname younger.
Act: Act Mr Hew Nisbett minister
Act: Act Robert Cunnnghame And Lowerance Oliphant.
31 January 1693 (pm)
Warrant: Warrand for citeing George Dick stabler
Act: Act and Remitt John Raylay
Order: Order for Furnishing blankets to Souldiers in the Cannongate Tolbooth
Decreet: Decreet Carmicheall Against Chanclor etc.
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie anent the Hearth money.
2 February 1693
Act: Act Mr Thomas Mitchell
Procedure: remission: Remitt anent The Royall. Burrowes.
Order: Recomendation William Muir
Act: Act Alexander McCulloch
Act: Act The heritors of the Parish of Long-bryde
Act: Act Mr James Southerland
7 February 1693
Act: Act and Remitt Captain Baillie
Act: Act Livetennant Graham
Act: Act The Relict of the Bishop of Dunkeld
Act: Act Andersone of Westertoune
9 February 1693
Act: Act Mr Thomas Hervy minister at Auchterderen and the heritors of the said parish
Petition: [Petition John Hay]
Procedure: committee appointed: Committie in the Lybell Andrew Ker Against mr Alexander Cuningham anent tumults
14 February 1693
Order: Recomendation to the thesaurie anent 4 seamen
Warrant: Warrand for getting up a horning against Sir John Maxwell.
Act: Act The Magistrats of Glasgow anent Irregullar mariadges.
Order: Order for delivering of recruits
Warrant: Warrand for Transporting John Hay to Edinburgh Tolbooth
21 February 1693
Act: Act and Remitt Robert Fairly
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie in the lybell Crafurd of Monorgan Against Hay of Murie
Procedure: Comittie in the Mutuall processes betwixt Meldrum and Alexander Burnet.
Order: Recomendation to Comittie anent the Disorders of the Collodge of Edinburgh.
Act: Act The Ladie Harden.
23 February 1693
Act: Act James Montgomrie Clerk to the Justice Court
Order: Recomendation to the Chancelor anent [...] Sword daughter to Cathrin Sword
Order: Comittie anent John Easone
Order: Recomendatione to the thesaurie Elizabeth Urie
Procedure: Additionall Committie anent Meldrum and Burnet
Act: Act The heritors and parishoners of Erroll.
Decreet: Interloquitor anent the oath taken by the sub-Collectors of the herthmoney
Order: Recomendatione anent Sir James Ramsay
Procedure: [Chancellor to subscribe warrant for James Jarvies' liberation]
7 March 1693
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie anent The Viscount Kenmuire and Margaret Rasper
Order: Recomendation to the Comittie anent Meldrum and Burnet
Procedure: [Committee anent disorders at Edinburgh]
7 March 1693 (pm)
Petition: [unlabelled - Petition Dowager Countess of Lauderdale]
Act: Act John Lochor masson
Act: Act James Jarvie Skipper
9 March 1693 (pm)
Act: Act For payment of Meldrum and Burnetts witneses
Act: Act The Lady Monktoune.
Act: Act Thomas Riddell skipper
Petition: [Petition Countess Lauderdale]
Order: [James Ramsay aliment]
Act: Act Mr Alexander Jamisone for a Stipend.
14 March 1693
Act: Act and Remitt William Archibald
Act: Act Countes Dowager of Lauderdale
14 March 1693 (pm)
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie anent the Toun guards.
Act: Act The Ladie Gatgirth
Petition: [Petition Sir Philip Enstruther]
Act: Act and Remitt Mr Patrick Mowbray
Decreet: Decreet Sir James Ramsay Against The Earle Seaforth
Act: Act and Remitt The Viscount of Tarbatt and his Tenants.
Act: Act The Relict and Childrein of Doctor Lyon.
Warrant: Warrand for delivering up James Jarvies boat
21 March 1693
Order: Recomendation anent a person pressed at Falkirk
Procedure: remission: Remitt to the thesaurer anent William Muir
27 March 1693
Warrant: [Warrant for procurators to Charles Lord Frazer]
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent Cairnes of Torr
Act: Act Mr Alexander Dalgarno
4 April 1693
Act: Act Margrat Smith
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie anent poor Schollars and Bursars
Petition: [Petition Serjand Fae]
Petition: [unlabelled - Petition Wauch]
Order: Comittie and order anent beggers
Order: [Concerning bond of Robert Dunbar, Skipper]
Act: Act The Cheldreen of Cultness
5 April 1693
Act: Act and Recomendation Serjant Fae
Order: Recomendation To the Advocat to visit prisones.
Act: Act Mr William Veitch
Order: Recomendation William Troope Livt
6 April 1693
Act: Act Sinclar of Dunbeath
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie Some of the Collodge of Justice to meet with the magistrats of Edinburgh in order to Stenting for the poor
13 April 1693
Warrant: Warrand for Expeding Sir Thomas Liveingstons gift as master of ordinance at the great seall
Act: Act John Beatton
Procedure: remission: Remitt to Sir Thomas Livingston anent ane Irishman
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie Stivenson and Greir Against Greg and Malloch
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie anent Thomas Tod.
Warrant: Warrand for giveing up Hew Campbells bond.
17 April 1693
Order: Order Discharging house dues to be taken from thrie preists.
Warrant: Warrand for giveing up Gordon and Chrichton preists ther former bond
Order: [Lords of Treasury to consider arms receipts]
28 April 1693
Warrant: Warrand to My Lord Advocat for raising a proces against Bamoutto
Warrant: Warrand to the advocat to visit the prisones anent persones going to the plantations
Warrant: Warrand for horning against the Minister of Balwhither
4 May 1693
Judicial Proceeding: Comittie anent The magistrats of Aberdeen and the Regents and Schollars of the Collodges
Procedure: [John Cockburne's libel continued]
Order: [Sist execution on bills of suspension]
Warrant: Warrand for Transporting Mr Jameson and Cuningham to Edinburgh.
13 May 1693
Order: Order anent Transporting women to America etc
Decreet: [Bill of suspension against Lady Gatgirth refused]
Warrant: Warrand for delivering up George Ogilvies bond to Dunn
22 May 1693
Decreet: Interloquitor Anent Robert Dumbars wife.
Warrant: Warrand Russell and Veitch for citeing Mr Henry Hay.
Act: Act Campbell of Calder
30 May 1693
Warrant: Warrand for delivering up the Earl of Homes bond.
1 June 1693
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie anent the inhabitants of the Cannogate.
3 June 1693
Decreet: Decreet The Magistrats of Aberdeen Against The Regents and Students of the Collodges.
Warrant: Warrand for Transporting Gipsies to Edinburgh Tolbooth.
6 June 1693
Act: Act The Inhabitants of the Canogate.
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie anent James Dewar and Hay.
21 June 1693
Act: Act For revalueing of the shyre of Forfarr
Order: Comittie to attend the roup of the new Imposition of 2 dr upon the pynt of aile to the toune of Edinburgh
Warrant: Warrand to the Master of the mint for administrating the Oathes to the officers and Servants in the mint
Decreet: Decreet Margaret Raspect Against The Viscount Kenmuir
Act: Act Mr Robert Brown minister
Act: Act For Revalueing of the shyre of Fife
Act: Act For Revalueing of the shyre of Cromartie.
22 June 1693
Order: Recomendation to Sir Thomas Livingston for sending detatchments to the Castle of Edinburgh
27 June 1693
Act: Act The Countes of Lauderdale
Order: Recomendation to the Lord Enstruther anent the deceast Hew ross papers.
Act: Act Anthony Patinson merchant for transporting Persones to the West India plantationes
Order: Recomendation to Sir Thomas Livingston anent Sir James Lesslies regiment etc
Procedure: [Lady Glaschune's aliment continued]
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie for puting a pryce on the late printed acts of Parliament
28 June 1693 (pm)
Decreet: Interloquitor James Dewar Against Hay and Dobie
Act: Act Mr James Gray and the Commissioners of Suply of Aberdeen Shyre
Decreet: [Suspension Mr Bernard Mckenzie passed but later stopped]
Act: Act Mr Androw Hamiltone.
Decreet: [Suspension Viscount of Kenmure refused]
29 June 1693
Warrant: Warrand to the Clerks to give up former bonds granted be persons fyned.
Act: Act Mr William Howart minister at Innerness
3 August 1693
Act: Act The heritors of Mid-Lothian
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent highwayes
4 August 1693
Petition: [Petition hearth money]
Act: Act Earl of Kintoir and for Thomas Burnet Against The Lord Bamff.
Order: Order and Remitt anent Beggers.
Act: Act and Recomendatione Elizabeth Seatton
Order: [Letters upon the bill against Melsetter]
Order: Order Stewart of Bigtoune
Act: Act In favors of the Lady Glascloon
25 August 1693
Act: Act The Lady Craigie
5 September 1693
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie for examining witneses anent the ship caried out of the watter of Forth
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie anent the memoriall given in be the Comisars of the armie
Procedure: Letter frae the Duke of Hamilton
Warrant: Warrand for farder dilligence The Lady Auchincart Against Witneses
7 September 1693
Act: Act John Reid for printing of a book of Militar discipline
Decreet: Decreet and Liberation Bosswall of Balmoutto.
7 September 1693 (pm)
Act: Act Mr Alexander Pittcairn principall of the new Collodge of St Androwes
Act: Act The Toun Brewers of Edinburgh and liberties therof.
Act: Act In favors of the heritors of South Leith.
Act: Act Charles Stewart of Bigtoune
Order: Stop upon the heritors of Edinburgh shyres bill Against Brewers in Leith
26 September 1693 (pm)
Procedure: remission: Remitt anent James Corss and others merchants in Glasgow
Order: Order anent Daniall Nicolsone and others
27 September 1693
Procedure: remission: Remitt to The Lords Commissioners of thesaurie The Shireff depute of Lanerk
Act: Act The heritors of the paroch of Carriden.
Procedure: remission: Remitt to the Clerks of Councill anent the proviest of Airs petition
10 October 1693
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie for speaking with the magistrats of Edinburgh anent makeing a new Chimney in the Councill Roome.
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie for Examining Daniall Nicolson and others.
12 October 1693
Act: Act Bartleman anent two prisoners with the Turks.
Warrant: One of the Commissioners of Suply in Zetland allowed to appear for the haill.
Warrant: Warrand for giveing up some preists bonds.
Act: Act and Remitt Mr James Southerland.
Warrant: Warrand for Receiveing George of Sinclar of Asserie and his one Cautioners hinc inde and for ther tennants Against Sinclar of Brymes
31 October 1693
Order: Recomendation to former Comittie anent Daniall Nicolsone and others
7 November 1693
Decreet: Decreet David Buchanan
9 November 1693
Decreet: Decreet absolvitor: Troup Against Innes
Decreet: Decreet Certificatione Corsan Against Ballmano
Warrant: Warrand for extracting the Lady Glascloons act of aliement pronunced the 4 August Last.
Procedure: committee formed: Committie in the proces Crafurd of Carsburne Against Kaymes
14 November 1693
Warrant: Warrand to The Lord Advocat for prosecuteing Daniall Nicolsone Dr Eliot and Mistress Pringle before the Justiciary Court
Judicial Proceeding: Remitt Blair of Lethendie Against The Lady Glascloon
Act: Act Major Wishart Against Johnstone
21 November 1693
Warrant: Warrand for Life and Limb To Robert Wishart and his Spouse
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent Sinclar Against Douglas
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie Susanna Weir Against Johnstone
Order: Asassors added to the Lord Advocat and Solicitor In Daniall Nicolsones proces.
Act: Act Mr John Sandilands
Procedure: Protestatione The Lord Justice Clerk Against The Clerk to the Justice Court.
23 November 1693
Warrant: Warrand for detaineing Ensigne Ker prisoner
Judicial Proceeding: Comittie and interloquitor Scot of Heychester Against Scot of Assenden.
Procedure: Protestatione Issobell Aird Against Cassingray.
Act: Act Sir George Nicolsone Against The Earle of Kellie
Act: Act Anna Mortoune
28 November 1693 (pm)
Act: Act Mr Thomas Forrester.
Decreet: Decreet Sussana Weir Against Anna Johnstone.
Petition: Petitione The Ladie St Leonard refused.
Decreet: Decreet Mistress Violat Against Cassingray.
Procedure: Addition to the Comittie anent the University of St Androwes.
Procedure: Addition to the Committie Heychester Against Hassenden.
Judicial Proceeding: Remitt Balgregie Against Kinglassie
30 November 1693
Act: Act Mr John Beathune
Decreet: Interloquitor The Deacon of the baxters of Glasgow Against The magistrats therof.
Act: Act The Earle of Kelly
5 December 1693
Procedure: remission: Remitt The Earle of Kelly and Lord Balcaskie
Order: Thomas Robertson allowed to be a witnes for the toune of Glassgow
Procedure: [Petition procurator fiscal of Pittenweem]
Warrant: Elizabeth Howat Against her husband
Petition: [Petition Margaret Forbes]
7 December 1693
Order: Recomendatione To the Thesaurie anent Mcnaughtons house dues.
Act: Act Alexander Hamilton
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie anent The tacksmen of the additionall excises.
Act: Act Mr David Ogilvie
12 December 1693
Decreet: Interloquitor and Committie The Commissioners of additionall excyss:
Act: Act Buchanan and Black
Act: Act James Hendersone messenger.
14 December 1693
Order: Recomendation to the thesaurie Mr Joseph Cleiland
Warrant: Warrand allowing a Certificat from Mr Thomas Forester in place of taking the oathes.
Act: Act Anent ministers produceing Certificats instead of takeing the oaths etc
Decreet: Decreet Crafurd of Corsburne Against Kaymes and others
19 December 1693
Act: Act Sir William Denhom Against Ramsay
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent the alteration of the bounds of Ross and Cromartie
21 December 1693
Decreet: [Decreet The Lady Auchinbart Against Innes.]
Decreet: Decreet The Lady Auchlunbart and her daughter Against Innes.
Procedure: Comittie for William Denholme Against Sir John Ramsay
26 December 1693
Warrant: Warrand for printing the act anent severall Colledges and universities.
Warrant: Warrand for executione at Captain Younges instance upon Cosbies bond.
Act: Act In Favors of the Viscount of Tarbatt
Act: Act In favors of the Lady St Leonards for ane aliement
28 December 1693
Warrant: Warrand for Citatione The Toune of Dingwall and Act
Act: Act The Countrie Fleshers Against The Candlmakers of Edinburgh
Act: Act In favors of the Lairds of Auchinbreck Arkindlas and Carrick.
Act: Act Burnet of Craigmyll and other Creditors of Drum
Act: Act Forbes of Brux